NPC Purifying Guide in Octopath Traveler CotC

With the release of Bestower of All Chapter 6, we've been introduced with a new mechanic to complete its prologue: Purifying the Dead.
This guide will walk you through the steps to purify all the 14 NPCs encountered throughout Hell to get the Purifying Pendant, a new accessory that gives 20 PDef and 20 EDef while getting 50% chance of resisting some status ailments.
Let's get into it!
Purifying Guide for Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent (CotC)
Edoras Castle (Cragspear Slums Memory)

Starved Child: Simply talk and inquire further to purify him, as Elrica's soul is already saved in the main story. There are only 2 NPCs in this area so can't be missed.
Elrica-Adoring Pauper: After talking, inquiring further, and recruiting her, visit Cragspear's slums in the living world. Speak with her old friend (the first NPC you encounter) and return to purify her soul.
Cragspear - Slums

Burned Man: Talk, inquire further, and recruit him. Visit his wife's sister in Cragspear slums of the living world (met during the first chapter of "Bestower of All"). Return to purify.

Ferian Official: You'll find him in the house next to a chest. Talk, inquire further, recruit, and then visit the Great Library of Atlasdam in the living world for a historical lesson. Return to complete the purification.
Geist Canyon & Cragspear

Longing Edoras Soldier: Recruit the soldier after talking and inquiring further. In Cragspear’s main city area in hell, meet the soul of the Girl Waiting for Her Beloved. By inquiring further, their reunion allows for purification of both characters on that spot.

Girl Waiting for Her Beloved: The girl is purified as part of the Geist Canyon soldier purification quest.
Cragspear Pass

Silenced Edoras Soldier: Simply talk and inquire further to purify the soldier, as Mahrez's soul was saved earlier in the Bestower of All storyline.
South Cragspear Pass

Grandmaster A'calpa: Talk and inquire further the alpaca girl, but there's no need to recruit her. Then you have to find the inheritor of the alpaca fighting style in I'cirlo. First talk to Paruca the Alpaca Madien, located bottom-left. After that, you'll need to fight the Mighty Alpaca, located bottom-right, and obtain the Al Paca Punch Inheritor's Mark. Finally, return to purify the alpaca girl’s soul.

Former Valore Mayor: A straightforward talk is enough to purify his soul, as you already defeated Herminia.

Enraged Prostitute and Lord Taviani: The most complex purifying case. You'll first need to recruit the Enraged Prostitute. Then reunite them in hell (prostitute is located in Valore's western side, in a house next to the church, while Taviani is located in Valore's eastern side, at Bargello's hideout). You'll then need to meet the living prostitute in the living world. Go back to Hell and you'll be able to purify both the prostitute and Taviani souls.
Valore Woods

Bloody Syndicate Member: After talking, inquiring further, and recruiting, meet his son in Valore Woods of the living world (encountered during the main plot). Return to purify his soul.
Hornburg Pass

Wounded Envoy: After talking, inquire further, and recruiting, visit Shepherds Rock in the living world and proceed north to the Royal Palace. A cutscene reveals the fate of Hornburg's refugees, allowing for purification upon returning.
Hornburg Castle

Hornburg Defender: Talk, inquire further, recruit him, and keep going until you reach the Throne Room. Near the throne, King Alfred's spirit will forgive the guard, enabling purification on that same spot.
This comprehensive guide should assist you in successfully navigating the soul purification process in Octopath Traveler: CotC.